A combination of measurement scales, including remote sensing and field investigations are utilized to create databases of both natural and artificial environmental and topographic changes that are associated with disasters. At the same time, new disaster investigation and analysis methods are developed and advanced, the integrity of watersheds and hydrologic structure are examined, disaster condition models, three dimensional geology models, substitute water source investigations and evaluation methods and a modular expert disaster monitoring system are developed and strategies to prevent subsidence in soft and hard geologic stratums are designed. Finally using an effective, nationally integrated set of environment and soil data, the safety factor of slopes adjacent to major roads are increased and the value of remediate structures are assessed.
The expertise of members of the Environmental Resources Monitoring Research Group spans geotechnical, geology, civil, hydraulic, hydrologic, soil and water conservation, geographic information systems, and information technology fields. In total, the group holds 2 doctorates degrees and 4 master degrees.