GERC research center


ERC research center

Project Name :核電廠地質調查與地震危害度參數委託研究

Program Manager: 

The Research of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis and Geological Survey of Nuclear Power Plant

主管單位:核能研究所 Institute of Nuclear Energy Research
主持人:鄭錦桐Chin-Tung Cheng
承辦人:邵國士Kuo-Shih Shao
Yen-Hsiang Lin, Chi-Hung Chao, Che-Wei Shen, Kuo-Shih Shao


  1. 地質新事證:中央地質調查所將山腳斷層及恆春斷層歸類為第二類活動斷層,山腳斷層線延長後分別與核ㄧ廠距離7公里、與核二廠距離5公里,而核三廠甚至距離恆春斷層只有1公里的距離。
  2. 2006年12月26日發生在恆春外海兩次規模7.0之雙主震創下核三廠因地震停機之先例。
  3. .日本柏崎刈羽核電廠因2007年7月16日之海域斷層錯動引發地震使得電廠停機運轉近兩年。
  4. 舊的設計概念及耐震標準是否能符合國際新核能法規的要求?


  1. 營運中核電廠補充地質調查工作規劃。
  2. .地震目錄更新。
  3. 區域震源設定研究。
  4. 斷層震源與隱沒帶參數設定研究。
  5. 反應譜衰減律建置。
  6. 核能電廠控制地震規模-距離地震波形資料庫建置。
  7. 核電廠V/H地震反應譜統計分析。
  8. 核電廠震波地形效應模擬。
  9. 機率式地震危害度分析之邏輯樹架構與不確定度資料建立。
  10. 機率式地震危害度分析報告同業審查。


  1. 提供核電廠地震危害度分析更新參數的基礎。
  2. 協助評估營運中核電廠原始安全停機地震(SSE)是否足夠之依據。
  3. 提供核電廠是否需要進行結構耐震特性補強之決策依據。


Base on following reasons, the operating nuclear power plant must execute the re-evaluation project of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA).
there are two newly identified active faults located near TPC operating NPPs which announced by government in 2007 and 2008. TPC were questioned if NPP are safe in seismic event.
Although Taipower NPP are not attacked by any severe earthquake until now. However, we are applying license renewal now for our first NPP.
And we expect that peak ground accelerations of NPPs will increase after implementation of geology survey due to newly identified faults.
The goals of this project were the establishment of indoor evaluation model and the technical SOP procedure of creek dredging in Taiwan.
First, GIS layers of potential sediment source and residents were gathered, then applying AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method to decide the weighting of each component, finally the indoor evaluation model and process for creek dredging were suggested. This process could be conducted at the end of each year to suggest a dredging list. A demonstration of utilizing the process with 2008 data and the result were also provided. This project also conducted dozens of interviews, through the interviews the technical SOP and it’s related forms for creek dredging, starting from filling the forms, were provided. The two procedures were applied and demonstrated at 6 creeks for further applications. Finally this project provides the engineering inspection forms, self-checking list, feed back system for local governments to follow in creek dredging projects.
The outputs of this project include: (1) The gathering of data, includes landslide layers, historical hazard information, historical dredging projects, slope land use information, cadastral maps, road and bridge layers; (2) Applying AHP method to build up a evaluation model; (3) Fill-up instruction of creek dredging application forms, self check list and 6 examples for demonstration; (4) Mapping the landslide in all Taiwan (based on 2008 satellite images), the result could be compared with landslides distributions after Typhoon Morakot of 2009; (5) Establish the volume evaluation procedure for creek dredging, material classification for dredging sand and stones, with 6 examples available; (6) Systematic gathering of reek dredging related laws or regulations, with commonly violation examples; (7) Gathering of all dredging projects during 2009 and design a display form for future propaganda.

Key Words: Nuclear Power Plant, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis